Claude Legault a effectué des études graduées à l’Université de Montréal en tant que boursier CRSNG et FQRNT au sein du groupe de recherche du Professeur André B. Charette. En 2005, il a obtenu son diplôme de Ph.D. pour ses travaux sur le développement de méthodes de synthèse stéréosélective de pipéridines polysubstituées. En 2006, il s’est joint au groupe du Professeur Kendall N. Houk à UCLA en tant que boursier postdoctoral CRSNG, où il a acquis une expertise en chimie computationnelle et utilisé cet outil pour comprendre et prédire les sélectivités obtenues dans diverses méthodes de synthèse. En juillet 2008, il a débuté sa carrière académique en tant que Professeur adjoint au département de chimie de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Son groupe de recherche s’intéresse au développement de méthodes de synthèse simples et à applicabilité large et l’utilisation de la chimie computationnelle pour faciliter ce processus.
Claude Legault pursued graduate studies as an NSERC and FQRNT scholar at Université de Montréal in the research group of Professor André B. Charette. In 2005, he obtained his Ph.D. degree for his work on the development of novel asymmetric methods for the synthesis of polysubstituted piperidines. In 2006, he joined the research group of Professor Kendall N. Houk at UCLA as an NSERC postdoctoral fellow. During this stay, he acquired an expertise in computational chemistry and used this tool to understand the selectivities obtained in various synthetic methods. In july 2008, he started his academic career as assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Université de Sherbrooke. His research group focuses on the development of simple and efficient synthetic methodologies of broad applicability and the use of computational chemistry to facilitate this research process.
Experience | |
2018-present | Full professor, Université de Sherbrooke |
2013-2018 | Associate professor, Université de Sherbrooke |
2008-2013 | Assistant professor, Université de Sherbrooke |
2006-2007 | NSERC postdoctoral fellow, University of California – Los Angeles With Prof. Kendall N. Houk |
Education | |
2000-2005 | Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Université de Montréal With Prof. André B. Charette |
1996-1999 | B.Sc. in Chemistry, Université de Sherbrooke |
Prix et reconnaissances/Honors and Awards | |
2019 | Discovery Accelerator Supplement |
2018 | Faculty Teaching Award |
2016 | CNC-IUPAC Travel Award |
2014 | Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee |
2008 | UCLA Chancellor’s award for postdoctoral research |
2006-2007 | NSERC postdoctoral fellowship |
2006 | FQRNT B3 postdoctoral fellowship (declined) |
2006 | Governor General Gold Medal |
2006 | Dean’s honour list |
2004 | Manulife Financial Corporation award |
2002-2004 | NSERC PGS B postgraduate scholarship |
2002-2004 | FQRNT B2 postgraduate scholarship |
2000-2002 | NSERC PGS A postgraduate scholarship |
2000 | FCAR B1 postgraduate scholarship (declined) |
2000 | Hypercube scholar award |
1999 | NSERC undergraduate scholarship |
Expériences pertinentes/Other experiences | |
10-11/2023 | Invited Professor, INSA Rouen, France |
03-05/2018 | Invited Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany |
04-08/2005 | Research assistant, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd., Laval |
04-08/2002 | Undergraduate student supervisor, Université de Montréal |
01-04/2000 | Teaching assistant, Université de Montréal |
04-08/1999 | Research assistant, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd., Laval |
09-12/1998 | Research assistant, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd., Laval |
01-04/1998 | Research assistant, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd., Laval |
Conférencier invité/Invited speaker | |
27/10/2023 | Université de Caen, France |
06/10/2023 | INSA Rouen Normandie, France |
05/05/2023 | Pfizer, Groton, US |
31/03/2023 | Journée Scientifique – Sigma Hole, Strasbourg, France |
30/03/2023 | ECPM – Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France |
28/03/2023 | Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France |
14/06/2022 | 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta (cancelled due to COVID) |
30/08/2019 | XLVe Congrès des Chimistes Théoriciens d’Expression Latine, Montréal, Québec |
03/06/2019 | 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Québec city, Québec |
01/07/2018 | 6th International Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry, Wales, UK |
26/04/2018 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
19/03/2018 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany |
prior to 2018 | 18 invited talks |